Mark in the Wild
The podcast for people who live for their time outdoors. Whether you're an old hand or just getting started. If it takes you outside, into nature, into the woods, onto the water, it is fair game for this podcast.
For more about me, my writing and my outdoor adventures (and to connect):
Mark in the Wild
Trekking with Llamas? Who'd of thought? Not me!
Llamas are a friendly, docile and highly capable pack animal and are being used more and more for wilderness trekking. Join me while I discuss this exiting trend with Beau Baty, owner / operator of Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas.
For more info and to contact Beau:
https://wildernessridgetrailllamas.com or https://wildernessridgeadventures.com
You can reach me via my new website: https://www.markegreeneauthor.com